The purpose of life evolves

by Thomas Oppong Many people swear by a grand purpose — the reason for their existence. Something they look forward to every day. Purpose is a personal experience. It evolves — it’s a transformational journey. You are probably not pursuing the same things you wanted a decade ago. New opportunities and possibilities emerge as we change physically, mentally, intellectually and emotionally. The purpose of life is not universal. There’s no single reality you need to experience to make life worth living. Purpose can mean finding and doing the small things that guarantee deep joy every day. It can also mean … Continue reading The purpose of life evolves

Perfectionistic tendencies are associated with reduced cognitive flexibility and heightened emotional suppression

by Eric W. Dolan Perfectionistic individuals are more likely to view their problems as outside their control, according to new research published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology, which may help to explain why they often struggle to cope with stressful events. But the new findings indicate that the emotion regulation strategy known as cognitive reappraisal could help perfectionists view difficult situations as more controllable. “I study psychological attributes that make it possible for people to achieve their goals. One of these attributes is cognitive flexibility — which is the ability that allows us to change our perspective or alter our behaviors,” … Continue reading Perfectionistic tendencies are associated with reduced cognitive flexibility and heightened emotional suppression