BY MATT SHIPMAN-NC STATE “On days when the age you feel is closer to your ideal age, people tend to have a more positive mood,” says Jennifer Bellingtier. “And, on average, people who have more health complaints also had higher SAD scores.” The disconnect between how old we feel and how old we want to be can offer insights into the relationship between our views on aging and our health, according to a new study. Subjective age discordance (SAD)—the difference between how old you feel and how old you would like to be—is a fairly new concept in the psychology of aging. … Continue reading TRYING TO ‘FEEL YOUNGER’ MAY NOT MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER


From cradle to grave, we are soothed and rocked by attachments – our source of joy and pain, and the essence of who we are Mostafa El-Kalliny is an MD/PhD trainee at the University of Colorado. Zoe R Donaldson is an assistant professor in psychology and neuroscience and molecular, cellular and developmental biology at the University of Colorado Boulder. Edited byPam Weintraub The scene is a familiar one: an urban park, with young couples picnicking, dog owners playing fetch, parents chatting while their children scamper around. Marie – a young child – becomes entranced by a new wonder of her … Continue reading Attached