Want to Grow New Brain Cells and Get Smarter? Go Swimming

Good news from science if your corner of the world is broiling: Swimming is your brain’s favorite form of exercise. BY JESSICA STILLMAN The title of this post is a little misleading. Just about any kind of exercise will help spur the growth of new brain cells and make you a little bit smarter, extensive science has shown. So what’s so special about swimming specifically?  That’s the topic of a new, in-depth article on The Conversation written by neurobiologist (and avid recreational swimmer) ​​Seena Mathew. In it, she digs into new but intriguing science that shows spending some time splashing your way across the pool may offer … Continue reading Want to Grow New Brain Cells and Get Smarter? Go Swimming

How to Help Someone with Depression: A Practical Guide

By Kate Skurat  We’ve all been there. Whether it was after a breakup, losing a loved one, or a job, depression can come and cripple your life. It’s a serious mental health condition that affects millions of people around the world every year.  Depression can make it difficult to enjoy life and do simple things like getting out of bed in the morning. In severe cases, it increases the risk of suicide. If you’ve ever had depression or have been close to someone who has depression, you know how hard it can be for someone who needs help but doesn’t know where to turn.  … Continue reading How to Help Someone with Depression: A Practical Guide