Simon Black, Sovereign Man Waking Times As a journalist in China, Liu Hu was no stranger to punishment. For reporting on corruption among government officials, Hu was arrested, accused of “fabricating and spreading rumours,” and fined. But then one day in 2017 he suddenly found that he was unable to buy a plane ticket. The system just rejected him. He also found he couldn’t purchase certain train tickets. Then he discovered that he was unable to acquire a loan from any bank, and even forbidden from buying property at all. Eventually Liu Hu discovered his name on a government “List of … Continue reading CHINA’S ‘SOCIAL CREDIT’ SYSTEM HAS ARRIVED TO AMERICA

Literary prostitutes

I self-published erotica to make ends meet. Could I follow in Anaïs Nin’s footsteps or was I doomed to churn out filth? Sam Mills is a novelist/nonfiction author. Her books include Blackout (2010), The Quiddity of Will Self (2012), The Fragments of My Father (2020) and Chauvo-Feminism (2021). She is also managing director of the publishing house Dodo Ink. She lives in London. Edited by Marina Benjamin The pack: that’s what they called it. A secret guide, discreetly passed to literary authors in need of money to sustain their ‘real’ art. Compiled by such an author, happy to share their experience of publishing erotica on Amazon, it offered … Continue reading Literary prostitutes