Trust in Times of Uncertainty

How the Tibetan Buddhist view of faith and emphasis on teacher-student relationships can help us dissolve the differentiation between external and internal, and help us take refuge in our own primordial wisdom. By Renée Ford Everything was so normal. And then, in March 2020, it wasn’t. All of a sudden, everyone was dealing with the unknown. In the West, widespread vaccinations are now allowing life to return to something that looks normal, but we still live with uncertainty and the devastation of the hundreds of thousands who have fallen ill or died alone in hospitals. People remain out of work, and … Continue reading Trust in Times of Uncertainty

Consciousness and the Nature of the Universe: How Panpsychism and Its Fault Lines Shade in the Ongoing Mystery of What We Are

“We’ve barely begun to understand our place in the cosmos. As we continue to look out from our planet and contemplate the nature of reality, we should remember that there is a mystery right here where we stand.” BY MARIA POPOVA “Meditate often on the interconnectedness and mutual interdependence of all things in the universe,” the aging Marcus Aurelius instructed. “Any live mind today is of the very same stuff as Plato’s & Euripides,” the young Virginia Woolf meditated in her diary two millennia later. “It is this common mind that binds the whole world together; & all the world is mind.” Two … Continue reading Consciousness and the Nature of the Universe: How Panpsychism and Its Fault Lines Shade in the Ongoing Mystery of What We Are