The problem of other minds: a disturbing world of polite, smiling zombies

What if you are the only person in the world who can think? by Jonny Thomson  The problem of other minds asks how it is that we can be sure that other people have mental lives when we can only infer that this is the case from behavior and testimony. John Stuart Mill argued that we know others’ minds by analogy, but is this a strong argument? With artificial intelligence and animated movies, what grounds do we really have for ascribing mindedness to sentient-looking beings? There is no sore throat in the world quite as bad as your sore throat. Yesterday, when … Continue reading The problem of other minds: a disturbing world of polite, smiling zombies

The fog of grief

The five stages of grief can’t begin to explain it: grief affects the body, brain and sense of self, and patience is the key April Reese is an independent science and environment journalist based in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Her work has appeared in Scientific American, Outside, bioGraphic and The Guardian, among many other outlets. Edited by Pam Weintraub When the hospice nurse called on the morning of 2 April to tell me that my father had died at 7:38am, just two days after he was released from the hospital and seven hours after I arrived in town to see him, the world suddenly felt … Continue reading The fog of grief