The Transcendence of Tantric Sex

A psychologist argues science can take a lesson from ritual about how to heal. BY DAVID DESTENO Humans have always strived to develop technologies that give us some control, or at least the feelings of control, over the challenges that life throws at us. Psychologists like me devote our professional lives to figuring out why people think and feel what they do, and, in cases where those thoughts or actions are undesirable, to helping people change. We conduct experiments to see whether a certain type of drug or therapy alleviates anxiety or pain. We test “nudges,” such as policies that … Continue reading The Transcendence of Tantric Sex

Psychologists say a good life doesn’t have to be happy, or even meaningful

by Sarah Todd Crucially, an experience doesn’t have to be fun in order to qualify as psychologically enriching. New research suggests there’s an alternate way to living a good life. It isn’t focused on happiness or purpose, but rather it’s a life that’s ‘psychologically rich’. A psychologically rich life is one characterized by ‘interesting experiences in which novelty and/or complexity are accompanied by profound changes in perspective’. Studying abroad, for example, is one way that college students often introduce psychological richness into their lives. What does a good life look like to you? For some, the phrase may conjure up … Continue reading Psychologists say a good life doesn’t have to be happy, or even meaningful