How to Quickly Trick Yourself Out of Being a Night Owl

Photo: Lam Yik Fei (Getty Images) by Ed Cara If you envy people who wake up with the Sun, but you can’t seem to get to bed until well after midnight, some new research might help change your habits. An intriguing (but small) study suggests that it’s possible to retrain yourself to go to sleep earlier in just three weeks, without any drugs or other drastic actions involved. Shifting to an earlier sleep schedule could keep your mind and body sharper in the mornings, as well as improve your mood. So-called morning people might think that changing a late sleep … Continue reading How to Quickly Trick Yourself Out of Being a Night Owl


 by Tracy Moore That new Porsche and ear piercing has a lot more to do with Western history than it does an unhappy marriage or shitty job This might not make you feel any better, but if you’re a man having a so-called midlife crisis, and around a quarter of men in one study do, it’s not your fault. It’s also not your spouse’s. It’s actually because of a series of unfortunate events that began nearly a hundred years ago and conspired to mess with your head. Those events include, but aren’t limited to: industrialization, the Great Depression, World War II, … Continue reading THE REASONS MEN HAVE A MIDLIFE CRISIS AREN’T WHAT YOU THINK

Green-eyed pets

Pixie (left) and Zhanna. Photo courtesy Laurette Larocque Commonsense tells us that both dogs and cats experience jealousy. Are we being anthropomorphic or can we know for sure? Paul Thagard is a philosopher, cognitive scientist and distinguished professor emeritus of philosophy at the University of Waterloo, Canada. He is the author of The Brain and the Meaning of Life (2010) and his most recent project is the three-book Treatise on Mind and Society (2019). Edited by Nigel Warburton My friend Laurette has two cats, Zhanna and Pixie. When Laurette pets Zhanna, Pixie interferes by attacking Zhanna. By analogy to humans, it is natural to interpret … Continue reading Green-eyed pets