Dr. Mercola, Guest Waking Times If you’re like most people, chances are you’re consuming unhealthy amounts of sugar on a regular basis. Even if you’re not big on candy, most processed foods will provide you with an excessive amount of added sugars. As noted in the BBC One report “The Truth About Sugar,” a serving of Pad Thai noodles contains 9.5 teaspoons of sugar and a package of sweet and sour chicken with rice contains 12.5 teaspoons, which is more than a can of soda. A can of baked beans contains 6 teaspoons of sugar, which would ideally be your grand … Continue reading HOW SUGAR CHANGES YOUR BRAIN CHEMISTRY

Doctors Need to Focus Less on a Patient’s Weight

Extra pounds can lead to health problems, but dwelling on fat itself can increase stigma and shame   By THE EDITORS Scientific American At the start of nearly every doctor’s visit, chances are you will be asked to step on a scale and get your weight measured for that day’s exam record—and you would be hard-pressed to find a person whose physician has not brought up his or her weight at some point. But many conversations around weight have become a hindrance, not a help, in the campaign to make people healthier. Doctors’ recommendations to drop pounds are still extremely common, even … Continue reading Doctors Need to Focus Less on a Patient’s Weight

Oxford study explores links between personality and the gut microbiome

By Rich Haridy A new study out of Oxford University is suggesting there is a strong link between individual personality traits and gut microbiome composition. The research does not claim gut bacteria directly determines a person’s personality, but instead reveals a distinct and perhaps bi-directional, association between behavior and the microbiome. “There has been growing research linking the gut microbiome to the brain and behavior, known as the microbiome–gut–brain axis,” says the study’s author, Katerina Johnson. “Most research has been conducted in animals, whilst studies in humans have focused on the role of the gut microbiome in neuropsychiatric conditions. In contrast, … Continue reading Oxford study explores links between personality and the gut microbiome