Social physics: Are we at a tipping point in world history?

Does history have a grand narrative, or is it just a random walk to no place in particular? And is the world as we know it about to change? by Adam Frank  This moment in history feels different, as if we really are on the cusp of something epoch-making for good or ill. Does that mean we’re at a tipping point? If we are, then we can ask two questions: (1) Does history have a grand narrative? (2) Is there an arc to history? Social physics, which is a branch of complex system theory, can help answer these questions. This … Continue reading Social physics: Are we at a tipping point in world history?

The addiction trap

Our inability to treat substance use disorders stems from a narrow-minded view that brains and genes are their real cause Judith Grisel is professor of psychology at Bucknell University in Pennsylvania. She is the author of Never Enough: The Neuroscience and Experience of Addiction (2019). Edited by Pam Weintraub By the time I realised that my drug use was killing me, I was institutionalised deep in the woods of Minnesota, at least a three-day drive from home, and without a car. My 1983 Corolla, including all my stuff, had been repossessed several months earlier. I was in a treatment centre at the … Continue reading The addiction trap