Dr. Mercola, Guest Waking Times Beauty is big business. So, when a company that sells cosmetics volunteers to recall their products, it’s an indication that something is drastically wrong.1 Johnson & Johnson announced in July 2021 they were recalling five of their aerosol sunscreen products after an independent lab found benzene contamination in them in May 2021. Another company whose products were found to contain benzene, CVS, followed by stopping sales of two of their sun products.2 The FDA published an announcement of Johnson & Johnson’s voluntary withdrawal with this caveat at the top of the release: “When a company announces a … Continue reading J&J SUNSCREENS RECALLED FOR CARCINOGENIC INGREDIENTS

Learning How to Concentrate

We’re worse at multitasking than we think. By Dan Zigmond The world is a distracting place. And while it has certainly become more and more distracting in many ways, this is not a new problem by any means. As the futurist and best-selling author Alex Pang writes in his masterful book The Distraction Addiction, “Humans have always had to deal with distraction and lack of focus—and for thousands of years, they have been cultivating techniques that effectively address them.” Let me confess something at the outset: I am very easily distracted. If I sit at a restaurant with a television, I can’t help … Continue reading Learning How to Concentrate