The great climate migration is happening and you might be the next to move

Let’s unpack the migration of the future By Aspen Pflughoeft@AspenPflughoeft   So far this year, wildfires have displaced tens of thousands of people in the U.S., Canada, Greece and Turkey. Monsoons have displaced thousands in the U.S., India and Bangladesh. And massive floods have displaced over a million more in Germany, China and Myanmar.Report ad During just one week this summer, at least 40 countries experienced extreme weather events, reported Down To Earth. Countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, North America and Oceania were all affected. The photos and videos from these disasters have looked like horror movies filled with apocalyptic scenes. Right now — through shaky videos shot on the phones of fleeing victims — we’re watching a movie … Continue reading The great climate migration is happening and you might be the next to move


According to traditional meditation lore, they are in a meditative state (thukdam) until their consciousness is clear; only then does the body begins to decay by NEWS We are told that one of the more remarkable effects of a lifetime of meditation can be a comparatively slow decay process for the body. Recent evidence for that emerged in the death of Tibetan Buddhist monk Geshe Lhundub Sopa,  Sopa, who had been tutor to the Dalai Lama in Tibet, moved to Wisconsin in 1967. There he co-founded the Deer Park Buddhist Center and taught South Asian Studies at the University of Wisconsin, … Continue reading RESEARCHERS: BUDDHIST MONKS’ BODIES DECAY VERY SLOWLY AT DEATH