Self-Care in an Uncertain World

Practices to help relieve fear and loneliness By Toni Bernhard We’d all like certainty in our lives. If you’re like me, the desire to know what’s going to happen to you would sit near the top of your wish list. But none of us can know. One of the conditions of being alive is that you’re subject to constant change and all it implies, including uncertainty, unpredictability, and a lack of control over much that happens to you. Here are some strategies and practices to help you find a measure of peace and contentment in the midst of life’s uncertainty. Use … Continue reading Self-Care in an Uncertain World

Why is walking so good for the brain? Blame it on the “spontaneous fluctuations”

Pedestrians rushing to cross a street (Getty Images/aaaaimages) Going on a walk makes your mind wander in ways that neuroscience is only just coming to terms with By THOMAS NAIL Like most people, I have been walking more than usual during the pandemic and enjoying it. My meetings with students and colleagues have turned into walking meetings around campus for over a year. Now, I have a problem: School is starting soon, and I don’t want to go back to the classroom. We all saw this coming. Give employees a taste of the outdoors, and they might not want to go back to … Continue reading Why is walking so good for the brain? Blame it on the “spontaneous fluctuations”