Why women make businesses more profitable

When it comes to the workplace, more diversity means more money. by MATTHEW DAVIS While the workplace is slowly diversifying, some industries have been slow to change. A growing body of research is uncovering that workplaces with greater diversity actual perform better. One of the clearest examples of this effect is in venture capitalism, where nearly all venture capitalists are white, male, Harvard graduates. When VC firms hire more women, their effectiveness and profitability explodes. One of the big questions that any society needs to answer is how open and diverse they wish to be. Whether you’re talking about immigration, … Continue reading Why women make businesses more profitable

Your City Has a Gender and It’s Male

Why city designers are increasingly thinking about the female perspective. BY FOUAD KHAN I have a secret to tell you about my city,” she says. “It has to do with what Eve Ensler calls the feminine cell.” It was the autumn of 2016. I’d met her in Quito, Ecuador, at the United Nations’ Habitat III, the biggest global urban development conference in two decades. After a week spent pondering cities, we found ourselves talking to each other like strangers often do in the tired, busy evenings that follow a day’s hustle. “What’s the feminine cell?” I ask. “It’s empathy. It’s respect … Continue reading Your City Has a Gender and It’s Male

Rules in space

Artist’s impression of a cylinder colony, endcap view with suspension bridge. Art by Don Davis, 1970s. Image courtesy NASA Ames Research Center If we don’t invent a legal framework for space colonisation the consequences could be catastrophic: the time to act is now by Marko Kovic is the co-founder and CEO of the consulting firm Ars Cognitionis, the president of the nonprofit think tank ZIPAR, and the former president of the Swiss Skeptics association for critical thinking. Originally from Croatia, he lives in Zurich, Switzerland. Edited by Sam Dresser The year is 2087. Thanks to a series of serendipitous technological breakthroughs a few … Continue reading Rules in space