Our surroundings impact how we behave while drunk, argues author Malcolm Gladwell

In Talking to Strangers, Malcolm Gladwell discusses the concept of coupling. by Derek Beres  In his latest book, Malcolm Gladwell writes about the importance of environment in human behavior. While your actions change when you drink alcohol, they’re also tied into your surroundings. Timothy Leary had a similar notion of “set and setting” that he applied to psychedelics. The Camba might not fare well in an East Village bar, but at home in Bolivia they would shame any fraternity brother with their copious drinking. From Saturday until Monday morning, moonshine-level rum — it measured 180 proof in a New Haven laboratory … Continue reading Our surroundings impact how we behave while drunk, argues author Malcolm Gladwell

How to Predict Extreme Weather

Climate science is forging a more perfect union between humans and machines. BY AUBREY CLAYTON Thanks to advances in machine learning over the last two decades, it’s no longer in question whether humans can beat computers at games like chess; we’d have about as much chance winning a bench-press contest against a forklift. But ask the current computer champion, Google’s AlphaZero, for advice on chess theory, like whether a bishop or a knight is more valuable in the Ruy Lopez opening, and all you’ll get is a blank stare from a blinking cursor. Theory is a human construct the algorithm has … Continue reading How to Predict Extreme Weather

Is Our Culture Driving Our Young People Crazy?

Posted on by Soren DreierAuthor: ET Today’s social media have enhanced human propensity to embrace fear and hysteria. Recent research by Britain’s University of Warwick Department of Psychology reveals a contagion of panic can occur even in the face of balanced, unbiased information. Here the researchers analyzed 154 participants on social media, dividing them into 14 chains, “with the first person in each chain reading balanced, factual news articles, and writing a message to the next person about the story, the recipient writing a new message for the next person and so on.” “In every chain, stories about dreaded topics became increasingly … Continue reading Is Our Culture Driving Our Young People Crazy?