This Simulation Shows What Would Happen if a Nuclear Bomb Dropped Near You

  by Business Insider Nuclear Explosion Imagine that a 150-kiloton nuclear bomb exploded in the city closest to you. Do you know how the city, surrounding region, and its inhabitants would be affected? If you can’t think of much more than “a lot of people would die,” you’re not alone. “We live in a world where nuclear weapons issues are on the front pages of our newspapers on a regular basis, yet most people still have a very bad sense of what an exploding nuclear weapon can actually do,” Alex Wellerstein, a historian of science at Stevens Institute of Technology, wrote on his website … Continue reading This Simulation Shows What Would Happen if a Nuclear Bomb Dropped Near You

Why nation-states are good

image edited by F. Kaskais The nation-state remains the best foundation for capitalism, and hyper-globalisation risks destroying it Dani Rodrik is the Ford Foundation professor of international political economy at the John F Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. He was previously the Albert O Hirschman professor in the school of social science at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton (2013-2015) and is president-elect of the International Economic Association. His new book is Straight Talk on Trade: Ideas for a SaneWorld Economy (Princeton University Press, 2017). The populist revolt of our day reflects the deep rift that has opened between the … Continue reading Why nation-states are good


by Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times   When you talk to brain-hackers from Silicon Valley, they talk of creating the perfect stack – a combination of natural and pharmaceutical nootropics that can help make them into a super-powered genius that can go hours without sleep while maintaining massive focus. It sounds like a cool way to hack the brain, but this practice can come at a price. The problem is that many of the pharmaceutical versions (and sometimes even the natural ones) can be damaging. In the early days, people trying to crank out loads of computer code, write the next best-selling … Continue reading WHY BRAIN HACKING WITH SMART DRUGS MAY NOT BE SO GENIUS