MIT Urban Developer: Smart City The Next Best Thing To Population Control

MIT urban development head asserts that Agenda 21 smart cities are the best alternative to outright population control. In a recent Q&A with SmartPlanet, top urban developer and director of MIT’s Media Lab’s Changing Places group Kent Larson openly states that Agenda 21′s concept of smart cities and micro-apartments is the alternative to outright population control. He also stresses that the influence MIT wields in the actual development of so-called micro-apartments is increasing. Larson: “We just have to accept that cities are growing. You could wish they weren’t. You could hope that population control would reduce the rate at which … Continue reading MIT Urban Developer: Smart City The Next Best Thing To Population Control

No Kids: How Infertility Affects Women’s Lives

For women, finding out that they are unable to have children means something different depending on their social class, recent research suggests. The whole “infertility journey” differs by social class, from how women find out they are infertile, to how they interpret and cope with the diagnosis, said study researcher Ann V. Bell, an assistant professor of sociology at the University of Delaware. “It’s devastating for all women, regardless of their class, but how that devastation manifests itself is different depending on their SES group,” said Bell, referring to socioeconomic status, which is generally a measure of income level. Bell … Continue reading No Kids: How Infertility Affects Women’s Lives

Here’s what you find when you scan the entire Internet in an hour

Until recently, scanning the entire Internet, with its billions of unique addresses, was a slow and labor-intensive process. For example, in 2010 the Electronic Frontier Foundation conducted a scan to gather data on the use of encryption online. The process took two to three months. A team of researchers at the University of Michigan believed they could do better. A lot better. On Friday, at the Usenix security conference in Washington, they announced ZMap, a tool that allows an ordinary server to scan every address on the Internet in just 44 minutes. The EFF team used a tool called Nmap … Continue reading Here’s what you find when you scan the entire Internet in an hour

Princess Diana Death Probe: British Media Reports Allegation That Royal’s Death Was No Accident

Conspiracy theories are back surrounding the deaths of Princess Diana and her companion Dodi al Fayed, after British media reported allegations that the couple may have been murdered by British special forces. Despite a $7 million joint French and British police investigation that concluded that Diana, al Fayed and their driver Henri Paul’s deaths in 1997 were accidents, a report in The Mirror claims they were allegedly murdered and it was all covered up. The allegation surfaced at a second court martial of Sgt. Danny Nightingale, who was found guilty of illegal gun possession, The Mirror reported. Among the evidence … Continue reading Princess Diana Death Probe: British Media Reports Allegation That Royal’s Death Was No Accident

The Incredible Con the Banksters Pulled on the FBI

This is the second in my series of articles based on the FBI’s most (2010) “Mortgage Fraud Report.” In my first column I began the explanation of how many analytical conclusions one can draw from a close reading of what is left out of the FBI report. In particular, I emphasized the death of criminal referrals by the SEC and the banking regulatory agencies. The FBI report implicitly confirms the investigative reporting of David Heath that first quantified the death of criminal referrals by the banking regulatory agencies. Because banks will not make criminal referrals against their own CEOs, this … Continue reading The Incredible Con the Banksters Pulled on the FBI

How Schools Have Become Dead Zones of the Imagination

Since the 1980s, schools have increasingly become testing hubs that de-skill teachers and disempower students. Some of us who have already begun to break the silence of the night have found that the calling to speak is often a vocation of agony, but we must speak. We must speak with all the humility that is appropriate to our limited vision, but we must speak. ~ Martin Luther King, Jr. If the right-wing billionaires and apostles of corporate power have their way, public schools will become “dead zones of the imagination,” reduced to anti-public spaces that wage an assault on critical … Continue reading How Schools Have Become Dead Zones of the Imagination

Soda Consumption In Children Could Lead To Violent Behavior

Source: Cryptogon In other news: “When parents did cut television out of their homes, they reported that their kids didn’t bug them as much for junk food and toys advertised on TV.” Via: CBS: Studies of young soda drinkers often focus on added risk for childhood obesity. But now, a new study suggests the sweet stuff could actually be making kids more violent. Public health researchers looked at thousands of 5-year-olds, and found the more sugary soft drinks they consumed, the more likely they were to inflict damage and hurt others. “We found a significant relation with soda consumption with … Continue reading Soda Consumption In Children Could Lead To Violent Behavior

Agent Provocateurs In Egypt? A Look At The Shadowy Elements In Pro-Muslim Brotherhood Protests

It is a known fact that agent provocateurs are used by all despotic governments, especially military governments, to demonize protests and characterize protesters as hoodlums and terrorists. When there are popular, anti-government protests in police states, state security forces dress in civilian clothing and doing heinous things like cause destruction to private property in order to delegitimize the protests and justify the full use of state violence against the opposition. Rarely do governments practice restraint against demonized protesters when they believe that they have public support for their violent actions. I would not be shocked at all if Egyptian security … Continue reading Agent Provocateurs In Egypt? A Look At The Shadowy Elements In Pro-Muslim Brotherhood Protests

Fukushima workers contaminated with radioactive dust

Two workers at the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan were found to have been exposed to radioactive particles – just days after 10 workers were sprayed with radioactive water at the beginning of last week. Follow RT’s LIVE UPDATES on the Fukushima leak emergency Two dust monitor alarms rang out in the main operations center in the plant, where radiation levels are normally low enough not to need to wear full face masks, the plant’s operator, Tokyo Electric Power Company, said in an e-mailed statement. The latest incident comes two and a half years after three of the plant’s … Continue reading Fukushima workers contaminated with radioactive dust