Visualizing $63 Trillion Of World Debt

courtesy of: Visual Capitalist by Tyler Durden If you add up all the money that national governments have borrowed, it tallies to a hefty $63 trillion. In an ideal situation, governments are just borrowing this money to cover short-term budget deficits or to finance mission critical projects. However, as Visual Capitalist’s Jeff Desjardins notes, around the globe, countries have taken to the idea of running constant deficits as the normal course of business, and too much accumulation of debt is not healthy for countries or the global economy as a whole. The U.S. is a prime example of “debt creep” – the country hasn’t posted an … Continue reading Visualizing $63 Trillion Of World Debt

Be amazed

The labyrinth at Chartres Cathedral, France. Photo by Sylvain Sonnet/Getty Before it became a staple of videogames, the maze was a test of reason and courage, a way to find yourself by getting lost James McConnachie is a British journalist, author, editor and broadcaster. His writing has appeared in The Sunday Times, The Spectator and The Guardian, among others. His latest book is Sex: The World’s Favorite Pastime Fully Revealed(2010). On a chalk down beneath an iron-age hillfort and a grove of beech trees near my home in Hampshire in the south of England, a labyrinth has been cut into the turf. It looks almost like a … Continue reading Be amazed

Hollywood Sex Abuse is a Century Old, Charlie Chaplin Raped Kids and He’s Hailed As a Hero

Hollywood has no problem celebrating child rapists as heroes—even when their crimes were admitted, prosecuted, and well known. By Matt Agorist As the curtain gets pulled back and the predators in Hollywood scatter like cockroaches, every new finding leads to more questions. As the Harvey Weinstein scandal snowballed into Hollywood pedogate, Americans are finding out that children have long been the prey of Tinseltown’s elite. But how far back does this depraved madness go? According to many horrifying cases over the 20th century, the answer to that question is at least 100 years. Hollywood’s proclivity for underage sex dates back ages—if … Continue reading Hollywood Sex Abuse is a Century Old, Charlie Chaplin Raped Kids and He’s Hailed As a Hero


by Buck Rogers, Staff Writer Waking Times Some things happening on planet earth today just don’t make sense if you’re looking at them from the perspective of an ordinary human being. For one example, look at the amount of financial debt being accrued around the world. We’re talking trillions and trillions of dollars. It seems utterly cartoonish that human beings could owe this much money to other human beings. The numbers actually make more sense if consider that our creditors may actually be off-planet entities. Take also for example, the widespread industrial scale destruction of the planet. The Athabasca oil sands project in Alberta, … Continue reading IS PLANET EARTH BEING TERRAFORMED BY NON-HUMANS?