The Politics of Spanking

by Dr. SUSAN BLOCK “I got so mad at my wife,” Oswald told Charlie in their Grand Ole Opry routine, “I turned her over my knee and lifted up her skirt to spank her. Then I forgot what I was mad about.” Did Oswald go on to actually spank his wife or did he switch gears and have sex with her? It really doesn’t matter. What makes this old joke timelessly funny is that we all recognize the inherent eroticism in spanking an upturned, ceremoniously unveiled, bared butt, as well as the innate absurdity of the old-time “wisdom” that spanking … Continue reading The Politics of Spanking


By Itzhak Beery Mystique/Raven Darkhölme, character from Marvel Comics drawn by Mike Mayhew From a shamanic perspective, shapeshifting begins with intent. You then give it power if you want it to occur in this world as opposed to the other worlds of nonordinary reality. Action follows. – John Perkins Can you transform yourself to become another entity or object in a split second? Our collective mythology, folklore, fairy tales, and science fiction are full of stories of gods, animals, and humans shapeshifting into other cellular forms, spiritual entities, the opposite gender, and mystical and real animals. They do this either … Continue reading Shapeshifting

Fibromyalgia as a mitochondrial disorder

by Cort Johnson The mitochondria just keep showing up in both ME/CFS and FM We tend to think of fibromyalgia as a central nervous system disease but that focus has tended to obscure the growing evidence of problems in the body. We don’t tend to think of fibromyalgia as an inflammatory disorder. It’s true that overt signs of inflammation are rarely found in people with FM but some studies suggest inflammatory factors may play a role. Then there are the mitochondria. Mitochondrial dysfunction is thought of as a real possibility in chronic fatigue syndrome, but I’ve rarely associated it with … Continue reading Fibromyalgia as a mitochondrial disorder

Education is a System of Indoctrination of the Young

by Waking Times Video – Noam Chomsky offers his opinion of the education system, how it establishes a system for the selection of obedient individuals for more important roles in society, and how it encourages conformity and discourages independent thought, which in turn stifles societal progress. Chomsky is the recipient of the Sydney Peace Prize, for his “unfailing courage, critical analysis of power and promotion of human rights” and holds many other awards and distinctions. Continue reading Education is a System of Indoctrination of the Young

Opting Out of Psychology?

by Soren Dreier, Guest, Waking Times When mainstream awakening says to you: ‘Psychology is a pseudo-science’ – watch out. Psychology is the only thing the Matrix really uses against you. That can be geo-political, health (vaccines), educational system, and the mainstream media shaping the public opinion and foremost: It uses psychology to keep you scared. Psychology is not a pseudo science; it’s a tool that works. And therefore it’s real. In order to understand the mechanics of the Matrix you have to observe it on a psychological level. That ‘reading’ will give some idea as to where the matrix is … Continue reading Opting Out of Psychology?

Your Enemy, The We

by Jon Rappoport | NoMoreFakeNews “A single thought simultaneously held by several people isn’t some miracle. The course of history is a process of liberation from that circumstance, and the emerging miracle was one individual thinking his own thoughts. That was the great change. And now people want to reverse it. They want to go back. They want to call it evolution.” (Jon Rappoport, The Underground) More and more, education is entraining children to think of themselves as part of a group. This is one basic way to cut off the consciousness of being an individual and what it really … Continue reading Your Enemy, The We