Apps to Help You Stop Using Apps

Your phone can help you quit your phone addiction. By Emma Varvaloucas Fifteen minutes after I’ve woken up on any given morning, I’ve likely done the following: checked Facebook, posted on Instagram, scrolled through three email inboxes, responded to Slack, WhatsApp, and text messages, and looked up the weather. Whether this morning habit is sick or simply practical is fuzzy even to me. The new technology that led us here evolved so quickly, “it didn’t occur to anyone to ask about the psychological impact” until it was too late, said Lily Cushman, a longtime practitioner and teacher whose job running operations … Continue reading Apps to Help You Stop Using Apps


No one, of course, wants to be rejected. But these dudes swear there’s at least a right way to do it. by Desi Jedeikin  The image of John Cusack holding a boombox over his head blasting Peter Gabriel in Say Anything… has become an emblem of unrequited love.  If you’re unfamiliar with the movie, after Cusack’s character Lloyd Dobler is gently rejected by his girlfriend Diane Court, played by Ione Skye, his best friend tells him to not give up. Back then, being a man meant fighting for the girl at all costs (and serenading her via a large music apparatus). But even … Continue reading HERE’S HOW MEN ACTUALLY WANT TO BE DUMPED

The joy of intimacy

A polyamorous friend challenges me: are you really happily monogamous or are you just hung up about your philandering dad? Lily Dunn is a British author of both fiction and nonfiction who is working on a PhD in creative writing at Birkbeck University in London. She is the author of a novel, Shadowing the Sun (2008), and her essays have appeared in Granta. Her next book is ‘A Wild and Precious Life: A Recovery Anthology’, co-edited with Zoe Gilbert (forthcoming, 2020). She lives in the UK.Listen here Edited by Marina Benjamin Recently, a friend offered to put up some shelves for me. As we drove to … Continue reading The joy of intimacy

How Should Parents Discipline? Finding Alternatives to Corporal Punishment

How should a parent deal with misbehavior? The study of corporal punishment offers insights. By Dr. George W. Holden Professor George W. Holden is the Chair of the Department of Psychology at Southern Methodist University, Texas where he focuses on parent-child relationships, parental cognitions, and discipline.ADVERTISEMENT  Corporal punishment is not an effective means of child discipline. Research shows that most children who are slapped or spanked misbehave again within minutes. Avoiding corporal punishment is good, but research on the topic isn’t well known and there is no single and simple alternative approach available. Positive Discipline advocates recommend using a “time-in” approach that calls … Continue reading How Should Parents Discipline? Finding Alternatives to Corporal Punishment

Your personality can affect the way you age, scientists say

By PAULASPENCER SCOTT How to make small personality changes that could help prevent cognitive and physical decline Facing down 60, I was feeling pretty good about my chances for a long “mindspan” — brain health that would remain sharp as long as I live. Working with experts in the field, I’ve taken up high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts and strength training, tweaked my diet, added B vitamins to counter my abnormal homocysteine levels (which can contribute to arterial damage) and had brain scans and cognitive testing. I also dabbled in intermittent fasting, sleep yoga, neurofeedback and mindfulness meditation. And then … Continue reading Your personality can affect the way you age, scientists say

Can Photography Help Depression?

By Ellyn Kail  About a year and a half ago, a study from researchers Lancaster University and University of Sheffield in the United Kingdom suggested that a daily photography practice could improve our wellbeing. By taking just one photo a day for two months, participants in the study made time reminisce and tell stories, get outside and explore, and interact with their communities. Some reported feeling less lonely; for others, photography became a way to manage stress or grief.  According to the World Health Organization, an estimated 264 million people suffer from depression. The disorder isn’t limited by age, background, or location, and … Continue reading Can Photography Help Depression?

How Does a Buddhist Monk Face Death?

If we learn to celebrate life for its ephemeral beauty, its coming and going, we can make peace with its end. By George Yancy – Mr. Yancy is a professor of philosophy and an author. Photographs by Devin Yalkin This is the first in a series of interviews with religious scholars from several faiths — and one atheist — on the meaning of death. This month’s conversation is with Geshe Dadul Namgyal, a Tibetan Buddhist monk who began his Buddhist studies in 1977 at the Institute of Buddhist Dialectics in Dharamsala, India, and went on to earn the prestigious Geshe Lharampa degree … Continue reading How Does a Buddhist Monk Face Death?


by Adam Elder  As long as we have corporate lobbyists, it’s in no politician’s best interests to make train travel better and more cost effective Trains in America are rarely the romantic experience we’d like them to be. They run agonizingly slow, they invariably show up late to your destination, and holy fucking shit, are they expensive to ride! While train rides might make a bit of sense in the denser East Coast, in the western half of the U.S., they’re far slower and more expensive than a rental car, even when you factor in all the gas it takes … Continue reading WHY IS TRAIN TRAVEL SO FUCKING EXPENSIVE?

General Patton’s Strategy for Winning in War and Life: Keep Punching

by Brett e Kate McKay The heart of General George S. Patton’s martial strategy centered on aggressive, energetic advancement: a focus on ceaseless drive; a belief that “There would be time to rest when the war was over.” Not only was retreat out of the question, so was even staying in place. “My motto in battle,” he said, “is GO FORWARD!” Patton had two main rationales for his “always be audacious” tactical philosophy.  First, forward movement — making a big, relentless push until you achieved your objective — saved time and energy, and most importantly, reduced causalities. The more steadily you … Continue reading General Patton’s Strategy for Winning in War and Life: Keep Punching

A Woman Accidentally Took 550 Times The Normal LSD Dose, Case Report Details

by PETER DOCKRILL A teenager who accidentally ingested 10 times the normal recreational dose of LSD. A 26-year-old who overdosed on the same drug, not knowing she was pregnant. A woman who took 550 LSD doses all at once, mistaking it for another drug entirely. These exceptional and alarming stories of massive LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) overdoses that happened to real people are all detailed in a new study, seeking to understand the medical effects of extremely high dosages of psychedelics in recreational settings. Why do scientists want to know these things? In recent years, renewed interest in the use of … Continue reading A Woman Accidentally Took 550 Times The Normal LSD Dose, Case Report Details