Mood Ring—Cell Phones Can Hear Depression in People’s Voices

By Michele Solis Three examples of speech from a person with bipolar disorder. The rows show one second each of manic, euthymic (normal), and depressed speech. The colored rectangles show various features extracted from the speech, where color indicates the amplitude of that feature for that speaker. The 10 features measure qualities of the person’s voice like pitch, variability of pitch, energy, and how pressured the speech is (but not in a one-to-one correspondence with those features). The picture shows that features 1 and 9 are higher in manic speech and lower in euthymic, while features 5 and 10 are … Continue reading Mood Ring—Cell Phones Can Hear Depression in People’s Voices

I have lived underwater

By Rose Eveleth Living underwater is seen by some as a futuristic utopia, but what’s it actually like? Rose Eveleth asks a man who eats, works and sleeps on the sea floor – the latest in her new series about the people who have already experienced the future. The first night Deron Burkepile spent underwater was over 10 years ago, but the memory is still fresh in his mind. He remembers getting suited up — a couple of scuba tanks on his back, extra safety gear hanging from his rig—and stepping to the back of the boat. “You’re used to … Continue reading I have lived underwater

5 Amazing Things Scientists Have Discovered About Psychedelics

Photo Credit: agsandrew / By April M. Short Psychedelics have the potential to treat cancers, addiction and psychological traumas. Despite the fact that the U.S. government deems many hallucinogenic or psychedelic substances to be dangerous, classifying them as Schedule I drugs with “no currently accepted medical use,” various scientists have dared to study their effects. What they’ve found over the years paints a startling, promising and powerful picture of potentially game-changing medicines. The government’s “war on drugs” policies severely limit research on psychedelics. Before scientists can complete any federally sanctioned studies, they have to jump through an expensive tangle … Continue reading 5 Amazing Things Scientists Have Discovered About Psychedelics

An Esoteric Take on The Big Lebowski

By Guido Mina di Sospiro on April 14, 2014 More than a movie The Big Lebowski is the kind of miracle that, more rarely than occasionally, slips through the cracks of the Hollywood machinery. That’s because the Coen Brothers’ previous film, Fargo, earned seven Academy Nominations and won two, for best original screenplay and best actress in a leading role, Frances McDormand, incidentally Joel Coen’s wife. So, with a lot more clout behind them, the Coen Brothers embarked on their next project, The Big Lebowski, in which the leading role of the Dude is sublimely played by Jeff Bridges. The … Continue reading An Esoteric Take on The Big Lebowski

Alleged K.C. killer: ‘If Jews can have a state of their own, why can’t we have a White Christian state?’

Frazier Glenn Miller in police custody, April 13, 2014. (Screenshot: KCTV) by Max Blumenthal The suspected killer of three people at two suburban Kansas City Jewish Community Centers is Frazier Glenn Miller, a convicted criminal, white nationalist and Holocaust denier with longstanding links to violent right-wing extremist groups. As so many others are, I am horrified by another senseless act of gun violence in America that targeted people because of who they are. And though there is much to say about a prominent racist like Miller, here is one aspect of his thinking that will doubtlessly be passed over in … Continue reading Alleged K.C. killer: ‘If Jews can have a state of their own, why can’t we have a White Christian state?’

Red Hot Chili Peppers “upset” their music was used to torture prisoners in Guantanamo Bay

Descrier Staffon April 15, 2014Music Red Hot Chili Peppers are reportedly “upset” that their music was used as part of the CIA’s torture techniques to ‘break’ suspected terrorists in Guantanamo Bay. An anonymous US official told Al Jazeera that the band’s music was played on an “endless loop” to one prisoner to prevent him from sleeping and make him more malleable to questioning, in what the Bush administration would have described as an “enhanced interrogation technique”. The Senate Intelligence Committee report referred to by the official also described how the US ran a series of “black site prisons” around the … Continue reading Red Hot Chili Peppers “upset” their music was used to torture prisoners in Guantanamo Bay

Police begin spying on every citizen in real-time

CA – A retired Air Force veteran named Ross McNutt and his Ohio-based company, Persistent Surveillance Systems, persuaded the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department to use his surveillance technology to monitor Compton’s streets from the air and track suspects from the moment the snatching occurred.  The system, known as wide-area surveillance, is something of a time machine – the entire city is filmed and recorded in real time. Imagine Google Earth with a rewind button and the ability to play back the movement of cars and people as they scurry about the city. “We literally watched all of Compton during … Continue reading Police begin spying on every citizen in real-time

Facebook’s Plan To Be Your Bank

(Leonid Bershidsky) Who would want to use Facebook as a bank? That’s the question that immediately arises from news that the social network intends to get into the electronic money business. According to the Financial Times, Facebook is close to receiving authorization from Ireland’s central bank to become an “electronic money institution.” The status would allow it to process transfers and payments throughout Europe, where the market for non-bank financial services appears to be heating up with big new entrants such as Vodafone. The customers Facebook is targeting, though, might be as much in developing nations as in Europe. The … Continue reading Facebook’s Plan To Be Your Bank

US is an oligarchy not a democracy, says scientific study

A new study suggests that majorities of the American public actually have little influence over the policies that the US government adopts. A study, to appear in the Fall 2014 issue of the academic journal Perspectives on Politics, finds that the US is no democracy, but instead an oligarchy, meaning profoundly corrupt, so that the answer to the study’s opening question, “Who governs? Who really rules?” in this country, is: “Despite the seemingly strong empirical support in previous studies for theories of majoritarian democracy, our analyses suggest that majorities of the American public actually have little influence over the policies … Continue reading US is an oligarchy not a democracy, says scientific study

US Pays Half of Ukraine’s Two Billion Dollar Debt Owed to Russia’s Gazprom

ZeroHedge explains: With Ukraine no longer paying for Russian gaz, and with Gazprom making it clear Kiev has to a) first pay the overdue $2+ billion in invoice and then b) prepay some $5 billion in gas until the end of the year of Europe gets it, it was only a matter of time before the US Treasury stepped in and paid off part or all of Gazprom’s demands. That time is now, when moments ago Jack Lew announced a $1 billion loan guarantee for Ukraine – very much the same way that the US provided billions in loan guarantees … Continue reading US Pays Half of Ukraine’s Two Billion Dollar Debt Owed to Russia’s Gazprom