Why We May Need Viruses More Than Vaccines

by Sayer Ji, GreenMedInfo A groundbreaking study published this month in Nature challenges a century old assumption about the innate pathogenicity of these extremely small, self-replicating particles known as viruses. Titled, “An enteric virus can replace the beneficial function of commensal bacteria,” researchers found that an “enteric RNA virus can replace the beneficial function of commensal bacteria in the intestine.” Known as murine (mouse) noravirus (MNV), researchers found that infecting germ-free or antibiotic-treated mice infection with MNV “restored intestinal morphology and lymphocyte function without inducing overt inflammation and disease.” The researchers found: “Importantly, MNV infection offset the deleterious effect of … Continue reading Why We May Need Viruses More Than Vaccines

Precognition: How Our Body Reacts To Events Up To 10 Seconds Before They Happen

by Arjun Walia, Over the past few decades a significant and noteworthy amount of scientific research has emerged contributing to the notion that human precognition could very well be real, and that we all might possess this potential -amongst various other extended human capacities. Thanks to the research by various scientists presented in this article, extended human capacities are beginning to exit the realm of superstitious thinking, delusion and irrationality and find their way into the world of confirmed phenomena. Claims of precognition or “future telling” have occurred “throughout human history in virtually every culture and period.” (source) It’s not … Continue reading Precognition: How Our Body Reacts To Events Up To 10 Seconds Before They Happen

Ukraine Fast Becoming A Failed State

  Ukraine’s economy is in freefall by Kenneth Rapoza (Forbes) Country in a state of civil war as economy implodes. This article originally appeared at Forbes.com. Ukraine is the very definition of the word “inevitable” — that which cannot be avoided. Ukraine is going broke. It may lose more of its territory. Investors are running for the door, betting that things are going to get worse. All of this is now unavoidable. The market used to think the Ukraine crisis would cool down by the December. All bets for that outcome are now off the table. Ukraine is shrinking, in … Continue reading Ukraine Fast Becoming A Failed State

Wizards: Did They Exist?

By Dr. Paul The universe is full of mysteries that challenge our current knowledge. In “Beyond Science” Epoch Times collects stories about these strange phenomena to stimulate the imagination and open up previously undreamed of possibilities. Are they true? You decide. Myths and folklore from all over the world inform us of people with supernatural abilities who walked among us. Whether their abilities are attributed to God, the Devil, nature, or some other source, the ancient world is full of records of people who could reportedly perform magic at will. History has not been kind to the word “wizard”; when … Continue reading Wizards: Did They Exist?

What People Abroad Really Think of Americans

By Bess Rattray Living in a small Canadian town taught me the near-obsession of outsiders’ scorn. Finally, I’m ready to push back. We litter. We are loud. We are fat. We eat standing up. We drive aggressively. We don’t make eye contact. We don’t open doors for people. We rush. We are rude to wait staff in restaurants. We are prone to domestic violence. We are spoiling for a fight. We put our nose into others’ business. We are sanctimonious. We think we won the War of 1812. We manufacture bad cars, brew bad beer and eat flavorless potato chips. … Continue reading What People Abroad Really Think of Americans

Junk Food for Profit: Fat, Sick and Addicted

By Mateo Pimentel “We are what we eat,” as the old adage says. “If you eat a hamburger one day, then its atoms and molecules will end up making your cell walls and different organs and tissues,” explains Logan McCarty, a lecturer on chemistry, chemical biology, and physics at Harvard University. For humans, as for other animals, it is essential to replace regularly the atoms and molecules in the body, and the food that we ingest supplies these atoms and molecules to fuel indispensable chemical processes and generate new cells. Food is related to cellular division for an elegant reason: … Continue reading Junk Food for Profit: Fat, Sick and Addicted

Nazification of Israel

Norman Pollack RINF Alternative News Note: not, the Nazification of Judaism, my religion, that of my parents, ancestors, from the shtetlach of Russia, a religion I revere for its secular associations with struggle for the underdog, devotion to working people and the poor, emancipation of thought about/specific participation in the achievement of, racial equality; for its cultural associations with beauty in all its affirming-of-life qualities, whether in literature, philosophy, painting, especially for me, music; its religious associations with moral principles imparted by Torah, love of the stranger, implicit sharing of bounty, authenticity of mindset concerning devotion and faith. Also, not … Continue reading Nazification of Israel

Soccer Club Real Madrid Removes Cross From Logo to Appease UAE Bank

Soccer giant Real Madrid unveiled a new logo for its partnership with a UAE bank – one without the cross. by Fox News If spreading religious intolerance is the goal, a Middle Eastern bank has scored by prompting Real Madrid to alter its world-famous logo so that a small cross does not appear on an officially-licensed credit card. The Spanish soccer giant unveiled the adjusted logo that will adorn a new credit card issued by the National Bank of Abu Dhabi, reported The Algemeiner. The new logo looks exactly like the club’s 83-year-old trademark, except for the absence of a … Continue reading Soccer Club Real Madrid Removes Cross From Logo to Appease UAE Bank

What the Fake Syria Sniper Boy Video Tell Us About Media Experts

By Maram Susli The western press very quickly accepted the video as real and used it to support the US administration’s narrative on Syria. Many top US news sources began to spread the story. Even though the producer said he explicitly added big hints that the video was fake, like the children surviving multiple gun shots. Propagating false stories on Syria, is nothing new for the western press. In the lead up to the conflict many stories were exposed as frauds, such as the Anti-government activist “Gay Girl in Damascus” which turned out to be a middle-aged American man in … Continue reading What the Fake Syria Sniper Boy Video Tell Us About Media Experts