11 Things I Want for Father’s Day (and Your Husband Probably Does, Too)

by Scott M. Cohn Author/Illustrator of Daddy Sat On A Duc 1. To sleep ’til 11 a.m. Self-explanatory. It doesn’t mean we don’t love you. We’re just so goddamn tired, is all. 2. Breakfast (burrito) in bed. I’m not one to linger over a meal. To quote a college friend, “If there was just a door to my stomach, I’d place the food in there and move on.” Well, to my knowledge no such doors have been invented, so we must content ourselves with the next best thing — the burrito: utensil-less and self-contained, with an emphasis on filling. The tortilla … Continue reading 11 Things I Want for Father’s Day (and Your Husband Probably Does, Too)

5 Things That Might Surprise You about Meditation Retreats

It’s not all calm and cosmic-flavored bubble gum. by Brent R. Oliver The glory. The soothing waves of warm peach syrup flooding the folds of your brain. The sheer bliss of sitting still and letting ultimate peace Jägerbomb your delusions and peel away the spiky freakishness of daily existence. Breathe in, relax. Breathe out, super-mega relax, but still keep control of your sphincter. Calmness like honey on your nerve endings. A sniff of liberation somewhere down a candy corridor. Stop reading now if this has been your only experience on meditation retreat. The rest of this article is not for … Continue reading 5 Things That Might Surprise You about Meditation Retreats

Russia calls investigation into whether US moon landings happened

Russia is suspicious over missing scientific evidence by RICK NOACK The increasingly tense relationship between the United States and Russia might be about to face a new challenge: a Russian investigation into American moon landings. In an op-ed published by Russian newspaper Izvestia, Vladimir Markin, a spokesman for the government’s official Investigative Committee, argued that such an investigation could reveal new insights into the historical space journeys. According to a translation by the Moscow Times, Markin would support an inquiry into the disappearance of original footage from the first moon landing in 1969 and the whereabouts of lunar rock, which was … Continue reading Russia calls investigation into whether US moon landings happened

Dreier – Purgatory Revisited

by Soren Dreier Religion has some very clever mechanics when it comes to ´reward and punishment’. You have to live your life as ‘God’ bids you to do or he will come down hard. And apparently God – has more advanced methods of punishment than any nasty government or bloodsucking entity on this planet since, it is the same Biblical God, no matter what organized religion you subscribe to. On top of that: dying won’t set you free since you already are dead. Bummer. The Catholic Church even made a very profitable business out of the Punishing God, where you … Continue reading Dreier – Purgatory Revisited

Cell Phone Radiation Is Probably Cooking Your Brain and Balls (and What You Can Do About It)

by Michael Phillip Via Midwest Real Kevin Kunze is the filmmaker behind Mobilize, an investigative documentary exploring the negative long-term health effects of cell phone radiation. The film examines recent scientific research, follows national legislative efforts, and exposes the influence that technology companies have on public health. This is an unfortunate rabbit hole my friends, because I love me some technology. I’m constantly ranting about it, tweeting about it, or manipulating it in some manner. It’s certainly not lost on me that without it, this show and this site wouldn’t even exist in the first place. I’ll even go out on … Continue reading Cell Phone Radiation Is Probably Cooking Your Brain and Balls (and What You Can Do About It)

Big Pharma responsible for another mass shooting? SC church shooter took psych drugs before attack

by: J. D. Heyes (NaturalNews) Mass shootings, sadly, have become a part of the American lexicon, and without question the majority of the American people are not comfortable with this fact. The latest outrage: A young white man who allegedly possessed some racist animosity went into a predominantly black church in Charleston, S.C., and opened fire, telling one victim that blacks “rape our women,” “are taking over our country” and “have to go.” Predictably, the mainstream and legacy media are using this tragedy as Exhibit A in their relentless push to paint the United States – whites, primarily – as … Continue reading Big Pharma responsible for another mass shooting? SC church shooter took psych drugs before attack


Secret 9/11 documents show us what really happened by INFOWARS NIGHTLY NEWS Will Bush and Cheney end up behind bars? Senator Rand Paul is on board with an ongoing effort to release government documents pertaining to the 9/11 attacks that have thus far remained secret. http://www.infowars.com/28-pages-that-will-change-the-world/ Continue reading 28 PAGES THAT WILL CHANGE THE WORLD

The Devious Matrix Called Psychiatry

by Jon Rappoport, Guest, Waking Times The war on free consciousness Pushing the individual into a blind alley Pushing society into a blind alley Concealed facts exposed “Psychiatry does more than define mental disorders. It purports to describe actual states of mind, and it coalesces and freezes those descriptions in such a way that people believe these states of mind exist. They don’t. They’re fictions. Fantasies. This is an enormous landscape of consciousness-programming. It’s actually reduction. Like many systems before it, psychiatry tries to reduce the possibilities of wide-ranging free consciousness. Throughout history, people have always been afraid of mind freedom. ‘What … Continue reading The Devious Matrix Called Psychiatry

What Is Inflammation In Your Body and How Can You Eliminate It Naturally?

by Raluca Schachter, Guest, Waking Times One of the most common negative symptoms experienced by people I’m working with, but also by many other people who suffer from various diseases is inflammation. This can show up under various forms and most of the times it directly involves a dysfunctional digestive system. Where Does Inflammation Come From? Inflammation is the way the body is using to initiate self healing. But when this is out of control, it can result in an excessive free radical activity and tissue damage. There are numerous mechanisms in the body which can determine inflammation. The immune response is … Continue reading What Is Inflammation In Your Body and How Can You Eliminate It Naturally?

Meet the doctor who prescribes fruit and vegetables instead of drugs!

DAN TAYLOR/FLICKR INSTEAD OF SUGGESTING SURGERY OR DRUGS TO REMEDY A PATIENT’S PROBLEMS, THIS DOCTOR MAKES NOURISHING FOOD THE FIRST PRIORITY By Amanda Froelich | True Activist Although it was Hippocrates, the father of modern day medicine, who so famously stated “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine thy food,” few allopathic doctors take seriously those words or wisdom and make wholesome, nutritious living the foundation of their patient’s treatment plan. But in Houston, Texas, a progressive doctor has begun prescribing fruits and vegetables instead of pharmaceutical drugs, as he and many others believe nourishing food is an essential requirement for becoming … Continue reading Meet the doctor who prescribes fruit and vegetables instead of drugs!