Interactive: How big is space?

Then check out our amazing interactive infographic. To celebrate our second anniversary, we’ve created an interactive version of a previous infographic, which is so big, it’s too big for this page. This time round you get to pilot a rocket through the Solar System. There’s even more information packed into this graphic: you’ll see how close comets have come to our planet; what is the farthest travelled by a human being; how long the trip will take if you were on the Starship Enterprise… as well as a few surprises too. So buckle up and scroll (and scroll… and scroll) … Continue reading Interactive: How big is space?

Simple Method for Cleansing and Balancing the Seven Chakras

by Waking Times Infographic – There are many methods to help us balance the pranic energy that flows within each and every one of us. Here are the mudras (hand gestures) and mantras (sounds), as well as the method for cleansing and balancing each of the seven chakras. Continue reading Simple Method for Cleansing and Balancing the Seven Chakras

Is It OK To Eat Dogs?

Photo: Stougard (CC) by Majestic “Is it OK to eat dogs?,” asks Julian Bazzini at the Guardian, telling us to “consider that eating man’s best friend is a matter of cultural tastes, not moral worth”: Whenever western meat-eaters get up in arms over barbarous foreigners eating cute animals, it’s easy to throw around accusations of gross hypocrisy. Easy, because such accusations are often true. But responses to the dog meat festival in Yulin, China, which draws to a close today, merit more careful consideration. The double standards at play here are numerous, complicated, and not always obvious. One so-called hypocrisy is nothing … Continue reading Is It OK To Eat Dogs?

Greek Film Shows Way Out of Debt Bind

“Debtocracy” introduces the concept of “odious debt” and points to strong precedents for repudiating debt that has been incurred fraudulently. “At first we thought this predatory IMF behavior was reserved for the Third World, but now it’s clear Europe and America are also in their cross-hairs.” In April 2015, a Greek parliamentary committee endorsed this concept. Clearly any debt deal reached this week will only pass the Greek parliament by virtue of the votes of the opposition parties. Greece’s predicament exemplifies what may happen to any country that has forfeited its power to create credit, i.e. the medium of exchange … Continue reading Greek Film Shows Way Out of Debt Bind

Why Iceland’s Decision To Jail Its Bankers Is Triggering A Revolution

Proof Icelands economy is thriving could be trigger by: Neon Nettle The proof that icelands decison six years ago is now baring fruits could trigger a world wide revoltion The country has imposed the tax to prevent it hemorrhaging money as it loosens bank laws imposed six years ago, when Iceland made the shocking decision to let its banks go bust. via Belfast Telegraph Iceland also allowed bankers to be prosecuted as criminals – in contrast to the US and Europe, where banks were fined, but chief executives escaped punishment. The proof that icelands decison six years ago is now … Continue reading Why Iceland’s Decision To Jail Its Bankers Is Triggering A Revolution


SOURCE: INVESTMENT RESEARCH DYNAMICS Contrary to all of the misleading propaganda spewing from the media, Wall Street and DC about a robust job market and an improving economy, the average American is living hand to mouth.  Of course, if they can’t find one of those make-believe jobs created by the Government statisticians, the taxpayer helps the average American live hand to mouth. A study released today by showed that 70 million American adults do not have any emergency savings.  It’s the highest percentage in the 5-year history of the survey. Here’s how Marketwatch characterizes the situation.  You’ll note that … Continue reading ONE-THIRD OF ALL AMERICANS ARE ON THE EDGE OF FINANCIAL RUIN

Good Credit or Debt-Free Living – Which Do You Prefer?

by Susan Boskey, Guest, Waking Times To seek a high credit score or a life without debt, that is the question. When seeking a high credit score, you must make sure to have a perfect-payment history, stability on your job, an expanding credit history, and available credit you carefully use and repay. To get started, financial planners will recommend that you obtain a low-limit (like $500) secured credit card, use it, and pay it all back. The goal is to gain a high score to have easy access to credit for a car or mortgage. That said, financial planners are unlikely to … Continue reading Good Credit or Debt-Free Living – Which Do You Prefer?

Planet X just revealed by Google Sky? Black swath gone, ‘winged disk’ visible

VIA GOOGLE SKY/DSS CONSORTIUM , SDSS, NASA/ESA CONTROVERSIAL, HEAVILY CENSORED, PLANETARY SYSTEM JUST REVEALED TO PUBLIC FOR FIRST TIME By Shepard Ambellas OUTER SPACE (INTELLIHUB) — For years it has been speculated by conspiracy theorists and some astronomers that Google Sky had been censoring what’s known asPlanet X or Nibiru from the general public’s view online. Now, shockingly, a massive swath of Google Sky that had been previously blacked out and censored has been made visible by Google for your viewing pleasure. The image below shows the system as censored by Google for years. As of now it’s currently unknown … Continue reading Planet X just revealed by Google Sky? Black swath gone, ‘winged disk’ visible

Tornar-se Satânico

ultivando o diabo no corpo “Não discutas com o diabo, ele tem cinco mil anos de experiência.” – Martinho Lutero ”Satã representa sabedoria pura, em vez de auto-ilusão hipócrita.” – Anton Szandor Lavey, As Nove declarações Satânicas Satanás representa o Insubmisso, o Rebelde, aquele que luta pela sua própria vontade, sem medo de represálias, pois sabe que se agir conforme a mais pura manifestação de seu Self, as retaliações não terão a mínima importância. Descobrindo isto, a nossa vida transforma-se por completo e entendemos então que ser satanista não é adorar Satanás, mas tornar-se Satanás, e então adorar-se. Tornar-se Satanás no sentido … Continue reading Tornar-se Satânico