our Brain Can’t Handle the Moon

CAN’T FOOL THE CAMERA: A time-lapse sequence of the moon setting behind San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge. The camera is not fooled by the moon illusion, and accurately represents a constant moon size.Flickr / Dav How the moon stirs tension between your conscious and subconscious minds. BY BRIAN GALLAGHER What is this new theory?” the long-retired New York University cognitive psychologist, Lloyd Kaufman, asked me. We were sitting behind the wooden desk of his cozy home office. He had a stack of all his papers on the moon illusion, freshly printed, waiting for me on the adjacent futon. But I … Continue reading our Brain Can’t Handle the Moon

Men adrift

Illustration by Shout Badly educated men in rich countries have not adapted well to trade, technology or feminism KIMBERLEY, a receptionist in Tallulah, thinks the local men are lazy. “They don’t do nothin’,” she complains. This is not strictly true. Until recently, some of them organised dog fights in a disused school building. Tallulah, in the Mississippi Delta, is picturesque but not prosperous. Many of the jobs it used to have are gone. Two prisons and a county jail provide work for a few guards but the men behind bars, obviously, do not have jobs. Nor do many of the … Continue reading Men adrift


BY BECKY HUTNER IN A CITY built by fortune-seeking mythmakers, its four million residents spread across an area the size of twenty-two Manhattans and connected by eight-lane freeways, so dry rain itself has achieved mythic status, there are going to be some…aberrations. Here are just a few that took some getting used to when I moved to La-la Land in 1999. 1. Never seeing your friends. Not just the ones who live across town, but the ones that live in your neighborhood. And next door. It’s not that they don’t want to see you. It’s just everyone’s so busy driving … Continue reading 10 CULTURE SHOCKS YOU’LL HAVE IN LA

The Not-so-big “E”

Mark Hooper/Gallerystock It took having an enlightenment experience to realize that it was no big deal. by Peter Coyote (Peter Coyote is a Zen priest and actor living in Mill Valley, California.) In the first week of December 2009, I was 68 years old. Infirmity and dying were in the forefront of my mind. 45 years earlier I had contracted hepatitis C from shooting drugs. It had remained undiagnosed until the late 1990s, by which time the disease had been conscripting and destroying my liver cells for all those years. My youth had left, snatching as it exited, the firm … Continue reading The Not-so-big “E”

How Much Influence does Big Pharma have on Vaccine Safety Research?

by Waking Times Video – Here’s an interesting discussion about the conflict of interest surrounding supposedly ‘independent’ sources that back the US government’s assertion that vaccines and autism are not related. The AAP, Every Child by Two and Dr. Paul Offit all receive hundreds in thousands of dollars in funding from pharmaceutical companies that make vaccines. They do not disclose how much money they make, and, yet, they claim that these huge sums of money in no way influence their stance on vaccine safety. What do you think? http://www.wakingtimes.com/2015/05/29/how-much-influence-does-big-pharma-have-on-vaccine-safety-research/ Continue reading How Much Influence does Big Pharma have on Vaccine Safety Research?

The Age of Disinformation

By James Spann | medium.com I have been a professional meteorologist for 36 years. Since my debut on television in 1979, I have been an eyewitness to the many changes in technology, society, and how we communicate. I am one who embraces change, and celebrates the higher quality of life we enjoy now thanks to this progress. But, at the same time, I realize the instant communication platforms we enjoy now do have some negatives that are troubling. Just a few examples in recent days… I would say hundreds of people have sent this image to me over the past … Continue reading The Age of Disinformation

The End of Monsanto

By Julie Lévesque An increasing number of countries are banning Monsanto’s cancer-linked Roundup herbicide, a.k.a. glyphosate. Others are banning Monsanto’s GMOs. Meanwhile, Monsanto-funded U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton thinks “(t)here is a big gap between what the facts are, and what the perceptions are.” Actually the facts are established: Monsanto’s herbicides and GMOs are harmful to humans and animals. Several studies have demonstrated it and even led the World Health Organization to issue a warning against glyphosate’s links to cancer. In fact, Monsanto knew 35 years ago that its glyphosate was linked to cancer and other health issues. GM-Free Cymru … Continue reading The End of Monsanto

Can we unlearn social biases while we sleep?

Photography by Noell S. Oszvald By Marcie Gainer Xiaoqing Hu, University of Texas at Austin Your brain does a lot when you are asleep. It’s when you consolidate memories and integrate the things you’ve learned during the day into your existing knowledge structure. We now have lots of evidence that while you are sleeping, specific memories can be reactivated and thus strengthened. We wondered whether sleep could play a role in undoing implicit social biases. These are the learned negative associations we make through repeat exposure – things like stereotypes about women not being good at science or biases against … Continue reading Can we unlearn social biases while we sleep?

5 Cancer Myths Busted

by Dr. E. Dahl, Prevent Disease, Waking Times Cancer statistics are on the rise, and the growing numbers have moved the disease to a priority issue for the global community. As The Lancet reports, cancer deaths have increased 46% between 1990 and 2013. On Jan 1, 2016, new international development priorities called Sustainable Development Goals, will focus on decreasing premature deaths from non-communicable diseases by 2025. PreventDisease recently reported 5 cancer facts the cancer industry promotes as myths, which are summarized below: The rise in all types of cancer is due to modern diet, lifestyle, and environment. Records of lifespan prior to the 18th … Continue reading 5 Cancer Myths Busted

How to avoid Google surveillance and protect your personal data

By Daniel Barker | Natural News It all seemed rather innocent in the beginning. It certainly seemed convenient, and still is – maybe more so than ever, to be truthful. But if you haven’t noticed, slowly and gradually, during the past 17 years since its inception, Google has evolved from being a company which once merely provided Internet users with a free search engine and email to becoming an all-encompassing entity that monitors nearly everything you do. And not only does Google snoop on you, it takes the personal information it has collected and sells it to corporations. Google also … Continue reading How to avoid Google surveillance and protect your personal data