The World Health Organization is expected to say red meat is linked to cancer

Big Meat is bracing for the worst. (Reuters/Todd Korol) BY Deena Shanker In March, the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) made headlines when it declared that glyphosate, one of the world’s most commonly used herbicides, “probably” causes cancer in humans. But in October, the organization is expected to issue a report on a much bigger target: meat. And the industry is bracing for the worst. “It’s our 12-alarm fire, because if they determine that red and processed meat causes cancer—and I think that they will—that moniker will stick around for years,” Betsy Booren, vice president for … Continue reading The World Health Organization is expected to say red meat is linked to cancer

Smart Meters, Wi-Fi and Cell Phones Can Cause Brain Cancers

Activist Post Editor’s Note: Considering what a hot planet we are with all these devices, there’s a lot of money at stake in covering up any health dangers. There’s a much more vested interest in telling people these things are safe than telling them if they aren’t. By Catherine J. Frompovich Every pro-‘smart’ technology proponent – be it manufacturer, supplier, utility or Public Utility Commission – invariably likes to trot out ‘safety’ studies done 50 or more years ago on the then emerging radar technology that was considered ‘safe’. Why? Furthermore, what does that apparent ‘conspiracy’ say about keeping current … Continue reading Smart Meters, Wi-Fi and Cell Phones Can Cause Brain Cancers


image credit: trusted traveler SOURCE: MASS PRIVATE I Payment-processing giants like MasterCard and Visa insist that you and your financial data will be safer once you move to “smart” credit cards that contain a computer chip. And like it or not, credit card companies are forcing merchants to make the change. After an Oct. 1, 2015, deadline created by major U.S. credit card issuers MasterCard, Visa, Discover and American Express, the liability for card-present fraud will shift to whichever party is the least EMV-compliant in a fraudulent transaction. In other words credit card companies are FORCING merchants to make the change or they’ll have to … Continue reading CREDIT CARD COMPANIES ARE FORCING EVERYONE TO USE “SMART” CREDIT CARDS IN THEIR WAR AGAINST CASH

The Majority of Science Publishing is Controlled by Just Six Companies

by Ethan A. Huff, Natural News, Waking Times The flow of science in this modern age is largely controlled by just six corporate publishing groups, which by calculated design have been gobbling up the journal market since at least the 1970s. And a new study out of Canada reveals that this mass consolidation of publishing power is, to a large extent, skewing what passes as scientific progress. Researchers from the University of Montreal pored through the whole of scientific literature published between 1973 and 2013 and found that the publishing realm has changed dramatically during this time. Many smaller publishers have … Continue reading The Majority of Science Publishing is Controlled by Just Six Companies

Killers who murder endangered species must be turned into pariahs, writes wildlife conservationist DAMIAN ASPINALL

Four years ago, former BBC governor Sir David Scholey, admitted that he had taken part in big-game safaris. He was photographed beside the blood-soaked corpse of a lion, and posing with the tusks of an elephant Slaughter of Cecil the lion by an American tourist has sickened the world But it’s part of much bigger crisis: the mass murder of endangered species UK firms offer safaris with chance to shoot hippos, leopards and buffalo Now an international agreement that outlaws big-game hunting is needed By DAVID ASPINALL FOR THE DAILY MAIL “I don’t imagine that Cecil’s murderer will ever be forgotten. … Continue reading Killers who murder endangered species must be turned into pariahs, writes wildlife conservationist DAMIAN ASPINALL

Why we all fear dentists are natural born killers

What a paradox that a creature so fantastically fanged as Cecil the lion (not pictured) should have been slaughtered by Walter Palmer (left), a middle-aged, balding, Midwestern American who applies his working hours to the preservation of teeth. By QUENTIN LETTS FOR THE DAILY MAIL Poor Cecil the lion. To be hunted by a human was bad enough. To be hunted and shot by an American tourist made it somehow worse. Then came the final indignity: we learned that Cecil, so magnificently maned, had been killed by a dentist. From Minnesota. Romance was brought low by the mundane. Distinguished free … Continue reading Why we all fear dentists are natural born killers


British safari bosses selling death: Firms offer ‘menu’ of big game to be gunned down… for a price Kill: Mr Sailor, who advertises trips to South Africa and Namibia, shows off a dead baboon on an expedition  British hunters travel the world on shooting safaris which can cost £30,000 So-called trophy hunters gun down species including lions and cheetahs Several British firms offer trips and advertise price lists of animals to kill Shooting of Cecil the lion has thrown a spotlight on the illegal industry By VANESSA ALLEN and CHRISTIAN GYSIN FOR THE DAILY MAIL Hundreds of British hunters are … Continue reading WHAT THE FUCK ?

Who’s In Your Head?

By: Michael When you reflect on your life, do you sometimes lament the choices you’ve made, directions you took or didn’t take, and wonder what could have been?  You may find that you’ve achieved success in one or more areas of life, yet feel like you have fallen short in others.  You might ask if your life is really going as planned?  But do you ever ask yourself if the plan was even really yours to begin with?  If it wasn’t yours, what got in the way of living the life you wanted to live? Have you stopped to think … Continue reading Who’s In Your Head?

Sir Roger Moore on Cecil the lion: ‘Hunting is a coward’s pastime’

We should protect the most vulnerable and helpless in society, not destroy them – much less derive pleasure from doing so By Sir Roger Moore Fact: hunting is a coward’s pastime, and no one has demonstrated that more clearly than the American dentist Walter Palmer, who apparently paid over £30,000 to gun down a lion to add his head to a trophy wall. That wall includes the heads of animals he has shot at close range – with the help of paid facilitators, of course, from all over the world – including a leopard, an elk, a buffalo and even … Continue reading Sir Roger Moore on Cecil the lion: ‘Hunting is a coward’s pastime’