Nuclear War is Solution to Problems of Old Age


(l. Wannabe Jew Stephen Harper. Illuminati Jews and Freemasons are the
ruling caste in the New World Order)

Thanks to Prime Minister Stephen Harper,
Canada will be a Russian
target in any future nuclear war.
My old age will be taken care of
by Henry Makow Ph.D. When Vladimir Putin warned Friday that Russia is a major nuclear power, saying “don’t mess with us,” I realized I could put aside my worries about old age. I wasn’t going to have one.

I’ll be 65 in a couple of months. I wasn’t looking forward to old age. Fortunately, my Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, a Zionist puppet, has involved Canada in the Ukraine civil war by taking many belligerent steps against Russia.

Harper has ensured that when nuclear missiles fly, Canada will not be overlooked. My home town, Winnipeg, a NORAD center, will be blown off the map. Thank you Stephen Harper. You’ll certainly have my vote.

Illuminati bankers and their Zionist go-fers like Harper are behind the problems in Ukraine. Putin’s objection to “unipolar” world power is an obstacle to their “New World Order.” They start most wars and are never denied.

War is the solution to the demographic crisis facing the West. Baby boomers are aging and “a shrinking pool of young people must finance their pensions.” Almost a third of Americans have not saved a dime for retirement. There’s the strain on the healthcare system. I certainly wasn’t looking forward to witnessing my body break down and die.



I can’t give Stephen Harper all the credit for this imaginative solution. I also credit the so-called “opposition leaders” Thomas Mulcair and Justin Trudeau for supporting Harper’s Ukraine policy.

I also thank the mass media for beating the war drums.
The media has not mentioned the investigation into the July 17 shoot-down of MH-17, killing 298 people. After pinning the blame squarely on Putin, and demanding war, it would be very embarrassing to admit that Ukraine’s Zionist leaders did the nasty deed. This would certainly impede the march to war, and again subject me to the perils of old age.
(I wrote July 19 that this atrocity was a false flag: “Just as we never learned what really happened to MH-370, I predict we will never have closure on MH-17 because the Illuminati and their agents never own up to their heinous crimes.”)

I also want to thank the mass media for suppressing the

following statement by Dutch intellectuals: “Mr. Putin. Please accept our apologies on behalf of a great many people here in the Netherlands for our Government and our Media. The facts concerning MH17 are twisted to defame you and your country. We are powerless onlookers, as we witness how the Western Nations, led by the United States, accuse Russia of crimes they commit themselves more than anybody else. We reject the double standards that are used for Russia and the West. In our societies, sufficient evidence is required for a conviction. The way you and your Nation are convicted for ‘crimes’ without evidence, is ruthless and despicable.”This kind of irresponsible peace-mongering and reprehensible honesty is hazardous to the war process.

Finally, I have been selfishly preoccupied with the problems facing seniors. What about the young who have their whole life ahead of them?

All I can say is, follow my example. Try to see your premature demise in a positive light.

For example, have you seen how much houses cost?

Thanks to our enlightened leaders and the mass media, there’s a chance you won’t ever face this housing market.


As Usual Zionists Lead the World to War (An Example)
Russia Demands Publication of MH-17 Black Box Transcript
———- Dutch Gov’t Refuses to release MH-17 Data

– See more at:



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