ISIS, Feminists and Thugs: Dupes of the Foundations & Think Tanks

By Jay Dyer |

Men have been manipulated for millennia by the governing class through the technique of fear through internal and external threats.  While it is true that in tribal societies the external (and sometimes internal) threat was very real, the extent of the plebian mind remained in the dialectic of “we good, they bad.”  Today man is no different, but what is different is that the halls and levers of power are less visible than in ancient civilizations.  The average American in our day can watch Game of Thrones where political elites manipulate their underlings and one another on a daily basis, yet remain ever unable to translate this into the real world.

Some years back, I wrote a piece on engineered revolution, where I explain how the philosophy of revolution is a faith-based system – a technology for destabilization and transformation.  At the time of the “Arab Spring” and concomitant “color revolutions,” I wrote:

Destabilization of regions is a classic tactic of political intrigue, yet most people think the color revolutions and “Arab Springs” are real.  Not only are they not real (although there are real discontents among the populace), the “springs” are revolutions that are engineered, with the recent trend including the implementation of social media in fostering fake revolutions.  These revolutions are engineered by front groups for the purpose of controlling Eurasia.   This was the geo-political stratagem of the West which was announced years ago, and Zbigniew Brzezinski spoke of the necessity of controlling Eurasia to control the world for the American Empire. Destabilization is the neo-conservative approach to this area, however, and if we recall last year, Henry Kissinger noted that we would see a series of acts of destabilizations in the Middle Eastern nations that were, in a large part, given impetus by color revolutions.

Since then, we’ve seen the takedown of Libya, U.S./NATO proxy war advances on Ukraine and the establishment of a State Department-funded government in Kyiv, U.S./Saudi bombing in Yemen, attempts at war with Assad in Syria, as well as numerous other attempts as regime change and revolution in South America and Asia under the ubiquitous guise of “democracy” and “human rights.”  The second and third acts of Kissinger’s play are in full effect, and while these foreign policy ventures may seem immaterial to the domestically-hyped terror events and the coming “summer of race riots” in the U.S., they are intimately connected.  As I wrote at the time of the staged Ferguson debacle, the “humanitarian” auspices of the revolution-funding foreign policy is the same tactic and technique of the domestic “democratic” agents of change.  What comes in any regime that falls to the Atlanticist banking empire is the same disorder at home: McDonald’s., GMOs, mandated vaccines, feminism, abortion, and all the other great American freedoms.

The British Ministry of Defense projected all of this and more in 2007 drew up in one of their key futurist white papers.  Citing The Guardian, I explained:

“Those of us in alternative media who actually know what planet we’re on have been pointing to documents like the 2007 British Ministry of Defense’s projection of civil unrest, flash mobs and technological slavery for several years now.  The report was detailed in the Guardian as follows:  “Information chips implanted in the brain. Electromagnetic pulse weapons. The middle classes becoming revolutionary, taking on the role of Marx’s proletariat. The population of countries in the Middle East increasing by 132%, while Europe’s drops as fertility falls. “Flashmobs” – groups rapidly mobilised by criminal gangs or terrorists groups.”

The brains behind the new world order, creating the scripts the manipulated populace acts upon…



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