Same Millennials who think they shouldn’t have to work for a living also believe they will be millionaires by age 45

Image: Same Millennials who think they shouldn’t have to work for a living also believe they will be millionaires by age 45

(Natural News) Millennials are not exactly known for greatness; the entire generation is more commonly viewed as a bunch of whiners and entitled snowflakes who don’t want to work. Worse, many millennials seem to think that they should simply be handed higher-paid positions, rather than earningtheir way to the top. But in spite of their unwillingness to put in the work and grit needed to succeed, many millennials still believe that they will magically become millionaires by the time they reach their mid-forties. Even experts agree that these kids are far more delusional than they are ambitious.

While millennials may get “offended,” the reality is that not everyone gets to make seven figures. If you want to earn that kind of income and secure those kinds of savings, you have to put in the work, make smart decisions and even then, nothing is set in stone. Either way, surveys show that while millennials may dream of larger bank accounts, they aren’t really doing anything to make those dreams a reality — a generational hallmark, to say the least.

Millennial dreams don’t meet reality

As a recent report from MarketWatch explains, some two-thirds of millennials believe they’ll be rich by the time they reach 45, but their current savings and other life choices say otherwise. YCharts, an investment research platform, led a survey which found that an astonishing 65 percent of millennials believed they’d be worth seven figures by 45, if not sooner. Research led by TD Ameritrade found similar results, with survey data showing over half of millennials expected to be millionaires within their life time. One in four expected to be a millionaire by age 50.

Studies have shown that the millennial generation views money as very important — but all of this lies in stark contrast with data which indicates that this age group is not as hard-working as past generations. While some “data” on millennial work habits are more positive, these studies often leave much to be desired.

However, there is the nationally representative Monitoring the Future project, which has been studying secondary students since 1975. Of the 50,000 students surveyed each year, the compiled science shows millennials are lazier than their predecessors. For the generation of “first world” problems, it’s not that surprising.

Delusions of grandeur

As Psychology Today reports, data from Monitoring the Future shows 38 percent of millennials say they don’t want to work hard, compared to just 26 percent of Boomers and 30 percent of Gen X.

More, only 47 percent of millennials said they were willing to work overtime — compared to 59 percent of Boomers and 56 percent of Gen X. Across the board, it’s clear there has been a serious drop-off in work ethic over the last generation.

On top of a dwindling work ethic, millennials are not saving adequately, either. As the report from Market Watch reveals, data from the National Institute for Retirement Studies shows around 67 percent of millennials have nothing saved for retirement at all — and 95 percent aren’t saving properly.

Jennifer Brown, NIRS manager of research, reportedly stated, “Financial experts recommend that millennials set aside 15 percent or more of their salary for retirement, which is a much higher rule of thumb than recommendations for previous generations. But we find that millennials’ average retirement savings rate, including employers’ matching contributions, is 10 percent of their salary.” Other data shows millennials aren’t investing in the stock market, either.

Overall, it’s pretty clear most millennials will not reach their seven-figure dreams. Experts say this generation is literally delusional about their earning potential and how much money they can or will make — which fits right in with past conclusions that millennials are wholly unprepared for adult life in general.

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F. Kaskais Web Guru

2 thoughts on “Same Millennials who think they shouldn’t have to work for a living also believe they will be millionaires by age 45

  1. Sigh***
    My wife wants to win the lottery – – don’t we all? She wants to win big, so big she wants to give enough money to her kids, so they can either quit working altogether OR never have to work… ever.
    *** that’s not the way things work.
    It’s sad that “money” is what turns society.
    *** money WILL turn on us.


  2. Because when you’ve been told you’re special and unique and can do anything, you tend to believe that you can. You don’t think you’re going to be one of those who doesn’t ‘make it’ but if you’ve never had failure or struggled, you have never learned how to pull yourself up by your bootstraps, grit your teeth and just get in with the job.


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